********************************************** * * * GENESIS-U (URESAT) Telemetry Decoder * * AMSAT-EA - Free distribution * * * * v1.22 Last compilation : Jul 28 2023 * * * ********************************************** 20240909-13:18:57 : Running... 20240909-13:18:57 : Waiting for data from the modem... 20240909-13:18:57 : Sync detected 20240909-13:18:57 : packet type 9 (extended power - ina219) 20240909-13:18:57 : Raw data : 97 A0 02 20240909-13:18:57 : Signal was lost. Data discarded 20240909-13:18:57 : Waiting for data from the modem... 20240909-13:18:57 : Sync detected 20240909-13:18:57 : packet type 2 (tmp) 20240909-13:18:57 : Raw data : 27 7E 47 B1 B0 4D 2B 0E 51 AD 97 C2 F5 20240909-13:18:57 : Checking telemetry packet 20240909-13:18:57 : Packet checksum C2F5 - calculated checksum C2F5 20240909-13:18:57 : Checksum matches. Valid packet 20240909-13:18:57 : Unscrambled data : 27 FE 45 45 44 FF FF 36 3D 37 39 C2 F5 *** Temp packet received on local time 20240909-13:18:57 *** tpa : +87.0 degC temperature in SPA.I2C tpb : -5.5 degC temperature in SPB.I2C tpc : -5.5 degC temperature in SPC.I2C tpd : -6.0 degC temperature in SPD.I2C teps : ttx : -13.0 degC temperature in TX.I2C ttx2 : -9.5 degC temperature in TX.NTC trx : -12.5 degC temperature in RX.NTC tcpu : -11.5 degC temperature in CPU.ADC 20240909-13:18:57 : Waiting for data from the modem... 20240909-13:18:57 : Sync detected 20240909-13:18:57 : packet type 3 (status) 20240909-13:18:57 : Raw data : 37 13 B4 04 E4 10 0B 03 28 57 9F D3 1C B2 54 1C 7A CF DF 79 7F F3 8F 32 AA C9 20240909-13:18:57 : Checking telemetry packet 20240909-13:18:57 : Packet checksum AAC9 - calculated checksum AAC9 20240909-13:18:57 : Checksum matches. Valid packet 20240909-13:18:57 : Unscrambled data : 37 93 B4 4A 02 46 C7 01 00 FF 19 05 10 00 02 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 AA C9 *** Status packet received on local time 20240909-13:18:57 *** sclock : 38450323 seconds (satellite has been active for 445 days and 00:38:43 hh:mm:ss) uptime : 51014 minutes since the last CPU reset (35 days and 10 hours 14 mins) nrun : 1 times satellite CPU was started npayload : 255 times payload was activated nwire : 25 times antenna deployment was tried ntrans : No info as antenna deployment attemps are still ongoing nbusdrops : 0 last_reset_cause : 5 Power-on reset (POR) / Power-down reset (PDR) bate (battery) : 1 Charged (Between 3.550V and 4.2V) mote (transponder) : 0 Disabled nTasksNotExecuted : OK nExtEepromErrors : OK antennaDeployed : UNKNOWN last_failed_task_id : messaging enabled : No strfwd0 (id) : FF (255) strfwd1 (key) : FFFF (65535) strfwd2 (value) : FFFF (65535) strfwd3 (num_tcmds) : 0 (0) 20240909-13:18:57 : Waiting for data from the modem... 20240909-13:18:57 : Sync detected 20240909-13:18:57 : packet type 2 (tmp) 20240909-13:18:57 : Raw data : 27 7E 4D B9 91 CD 29 20240909-13:18:57 : Signal was lost. Data discarded 20240909-13:18:57 : Waiting for data from the modem... 20240909-13:18:57 : Sync detected 20240909-13:18:57 : Unknown type. Data is discarded 20240909-13:18:57 : Waiting for data from the modem... 20240909-13:18:57 : Sync detected 20240909-13:18:57 : packet type 1 (pwr) 20240909-13:18:57 : Raw data : 17 83 18 20240909-13:18:57 : Signal was lost. Data discarded 20240909-13:18:57 : Waiting for data from the modem... 20240909-13:18:57 : Sync detected 20240909-13:18:57 : Signal was lost. Data discarded 20240909-13:18:57 : Waiting for data from the modem... 20240909-13:18:57 : Sync detected 20240909-13:18:57 : packet type 3 (status) 20240909-13:18:57 : Raw data : 37 7B B7 A8 68 9A EF FD 02 F1 D7 FD 54 8C 9C 20240909-13:18:57 : Signal was lost. Data discarded 20240909-13:18:57 : Waiting for data from the modem...